Chin implant and Types

A Chin or Jaw implant is a surgical procedure performed to address aesthetic concerns or to repair them. In this article, we will examine in detail the varieties of jaw implants, the procedure, the healing process, potential risks, and side effects.

What is a Chin implant?

A chin implant is a surgical procedure performed to support or repair the jaw structure. It is a method used in aesthetic procedures to change the facial structure due to the weakening or erosion of the jaw bone following tooth loss or in certain orthodontic treatments.

These procedures are usually made from materials with high biocompatibility features, such as titanium. Titanium is tolerated by the body and integrates with the surrounding tissues. For patients with a risk of allergic reactions, alternative materials like ceramic can also be used.

Chin implants help maintain the health of the jawbone when properly placed and cared for, rather than eroding the jawbone. This contributes to the preservation of the bone structure by providing stimulation similar to that of natural teeth on the jawbone.

Moreover, chin implants are removable. The removal of implants may be necessary in cases such as the body rejecting the implant, infection, mechanical failures, or aesthetic reasons.

When chin implants are correctly placed, well-maintained, and fully integrated, they can last for years or even decades. By largely mimicking the functions of natural teeth, they enable individuals to comfortably eat, speak, and perform daily activities, thus achieving a natural appearance.

As they are made from biocompatible materials, the risk of causing cancer is very low, and there is no scientific evidence to suggest otherwise. Therefore, they are generally considered a safe and effective treatment method.

Types of Implants

Solid Silicone Implants

These are implants made from biocompatible and durable materials, used for aesthetic purposes or in areas with any kind of body shape and structure deformity. They are designed to provide shape and volume to various parts of the body. As they are easily adapted by the body, they are a reliable method for long-term use.

Polyethylene Implants

These are medical implants primarily used in orthopedic and reconstructive surgery. Made from biocompatible polymer materials like high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polyethylene is preferred for its flexibility and durability, making it suitable for long-term use within the body.

Medpor Implants

Medpor is the commercial name of the material used for these implants. Medpor has a porous structure, which allows the body’s tissues to grow into and around the implant, facilitating better integration with the body. It is popular in facial and skull surgery.

Chin Implant Procedure

The procedure begins with the assessment of the patient’s facial structure and jaw anatomy using computed tomography (CT) scans and 3D modeling techniques. Under local or general anesthesia, incisions are made inside the lip or under the chin to prepare the area where the implant will be placed.

Then, the implant is positioned into the jawbone or soft tissue. Depending on the patient’s condition, the process generally takes one to two hours. The recovery period can usually last a few weeks. During this time, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and mild pain.

Recovery Process

After the surgery, patients typically encounter swelling. This swelling reaches its peak within the first 48 hours post-operation and then gradually starts to decrease. It usually takes about two weeks to a month to completely subside.

However, irregular swellings can also occur. These irregular swellings can arise from various causes, such as trauma to the tissues during surgery, internal bleeding, the development of infection, insufficient rest, or excessive physical activity.

Immediately following the surgery, patients may have difficulty speaking due to the effects of anesthesia, swelling, pain, and discomfort. This difficulty is especially noticeable in the first few days after the surgery. This is a temporary condition, and as the swelling decreases, speech ability returns to normal.

Risks and Side Effects of Chin Implants

There are several risks and side effects, such as infection, nerve damage, implant displacement or shifting, swelling and bruising, bleeding, pain and discomfort, risks associated with anesthesia, tissue incompatibility, and rejection, and difficulty speaking and eating.

Implant displacement can occur due to reasons such as the implant not being adequately secured, the patient’s bone structure, improper care during the healing process, excessive physical activity, impacts or trauma to the jaw area, or the development of an infection.

Am I a suitable candidate for a Chin implant?

Individuals with dental and jaw issues, those desiring a change in appearance, and those with adequate bone structure are suitable candidates for jaw implants.

If you experience pain, discomfort, or chewing problems in the jaw area, this may indicate a need for an implant due to jaw structure or dental deficiencies.

However, conditions such as insufficient bone structure in the area, serious heart disease, or the presence of an infection can hinder the performance of a implant. Children and adolescents whose bone structure is still developing are also not suitable for this procedure.

The size of the implant is determined based on the individual’s existing jaw structure, dental deficiency condition, and aesthetic and functional needs.

  • Chin Implant for Double Chin: This aesthetic surgical procedure is used to make the lower part of the face, especially the jawline, more pronounced. It is performed to reduce the appearance of a double chin and define the jawline more clearly.
  • Chin Implant for Recessed Chin: This procedure involves surgically placing an implant in the jawbone to fill the recessed area, enhancing the natural structure of the chin and strengthening the facial profile.
  • Chin Implant for Cleft Chin: A cleft chin is a congenital condition characterized by a separation or gap in the jawbone. These types of implants are used to improve the shape and function of the chin and enhance facial symmetry and aesthetic appearance.
  • Chin Implant for Double Chin: The term double chin refers to the appearance of an indistinct jawline due to an extra layer of fat or skin under the chin. It is preferred to bring a more balanced form to the overall appearance of the face.
  • Chin Implant for Round Face: In round faces, the jawline is often less pronounced, which leads to the face appearing more round and full. A chin implant in this case strengthens the jawline and creates a more defined angle, making the face profile more angular and defined.
  • Chin Implant for Square Face: For those wanting to soften or alter prominent jawlines, this procedure involves placing an implant made from biocompatible materials into the jawbone.
  • Chin Implant for Recessed Chin: This aesthetic surgical procedure is used in cases where the chin structure is insufficient or the jawline is not pronounced enough. These implants are designed to make the jawline more distinct, improve the facial profile, and provide a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Chin Implant for Pointed Chin: Used to balance the facial profile by making the jawline less pronounced and more rounded. The size and shape of the implant are determined based on the individual’s facial structure and desired aesthetic features.
  • Chin Implant for Weak Chin: In cases of a weak or recessed chin structure, a chin implant is used to balance the lower part of the face by projecting the jawline forward and giving it a more defined shape.
  • Chin Implant for Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing temporarily stops or significantly decreases during sleep. The implant helps prevent the tongue and other soft tissues from blocking the airway by altering the jaw structure. This is usually done by moving the jawbone forward to expand the airway.
  • Chin Implant for Asymmetry: Facial asymmetry can arise due to natural imbalances in the jaw structure or as a result of trauma or a medical condition. In such cases, a chin implant is used to reshape the jawline, harmonize one side with the other, and bring a balanced and proportionate shape to the overall appearance of the face.
  • Chin Implant for Long Face: In a long facial structure, the jawline and lower face appear relatively longer compared to the overall facial proportions. Here, a chin implant enhances the jawline and reshapes the lower part of the face in a more proportionate manner for an aesthetic appearance.
  • Winged Chin Implant: Designed to broaden the jawline laterally, creating a more angular and defined chin structure. These types of implants, named for their wing-like shapes, are placed on the lateral parts of the jawbone.

Alternatives to Chin Implants

Improving jaw structure and facial aesthetics varies depending on an individual’s needs, health conditions, and aesthetic goals. There are various methods available for those who do not wish to undergo surgery.

Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation

Facial fillers can be used to make the jawline more prominent. Additionally, fat from the individual’s own body can be used to reshape and add fullness to the jawline.

Various orthodontic treatments can be applied to align the jawline and improve the position of the teeth. Facelifts or facial aesthetic surgeries can also reshape the jawline and lower face, providing a younger and more defined appearance.

Treatments like High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) are used to tighten the tissues under the skin and make the jawline more pronounced.


Genioplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the shape and position of the jawline. It adjusts facial proportions by moving the jawline forward, backward, or sideways. The surgeon cuts and repositions the jawbone and, if necessary, secures it using screws, plates, or special implants.

It can be performed on patients with a receding chin, protruding chin, or chin asymmetry. Patients typically return to their normal activities within a few weeks, but complete healing may take several months.

Chin Fillers

To strengthen the jawline and provide a more defined look, dermal fillers like hyaluronic acid are injected into the chin area. This is a quick procedure performed under local anesthesia. It is a temporary treatment and may need to be periodically repeated.

Another method is the Thread Lift Technique, which utilizes special threads to lift and tighten the jawline, offering non-surgical solutions.

Chin Implant or Genioplasty?

If your goal is solely to improve the aesthetic appearance of the jawline, a chin implant might be appropriate. If a more comprehensive change in the jaw structure or a functional improvement is needed, genioplasty might be more suitable.

Cost of Chin Implants in Turkey

The cost of chin implant surgery in Turkey usually varies between $1.000 and $3.000

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Chin Implants Cause Autoimmune Diseases?

There is no scientific data suggesting that chin implants cause autoimmune diseases. However, problems such as allergic reactions, risk of infection, and immune responses to the implants as foreign objects can occur.

Do Chin Implants Leave Scars?

Since the surgeon makes small incisions in the gums and sometimes in the jawbone from inside the mouth to place the implant, it does not leave a visible scar on the outside.

Do Chin Implants Change Your Smile?

They do not directly change the smile. However, altering the jawline can affect the overall balance of facial expressions, which may be noticeable when smiling.

Can Chin Implants Correct Asymmetry?

Yes, chin implants can be used to correct facial asymmetry. If the asymmetry is due to the structure of the jaw, chin implants can reshape the jawline, helping to achieve a more symmetrical appearance of the face.