Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

This article was updated on April 19th, 2023 at 11:59 am

Permanent male enlargement surgery is a topic that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. Many men are looking for ways to increase their penis size, and surgery is one option that has become increasingly popular. Although there are various methods available, surgery is often considered the most effective way to achieve permanent.

While some may view permanent male enlargement surgery as a cosmetic procedure, it can have a significant impact on a man’s self-esteem and sexual confidence. For those who are dissatisfied with their current size, surgery can provide a permanent solution that can improve their quality of life. However, it is important to work with a qualified and experienced surgeon to ensure the best possible outcome.

Permanent male enlargement surgery

What is Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery?

Permanent male enlargement surgery is a medical procedure that aims to increase the size of the penis permanently.

The surgery involves several techniques that can either increase the length or girth of the penis. Some of the most common techniques include the insertion of silicone implants, the injection of fat into the shaft, and grafting tissue onto the shaft.

One of the most popular techniques for permanent male enlargement surgery is the insertion of silicone implants. This technique involves the surgical insertion of a silicone implant into the penis to increase its length and girth. The implant is placed under the skin of the penis and can be adjusted to achieve the desired size. This technique is considered safe and effective, but it does carry some risks, such as infection and bleeding.

Another technique for permanent male enlargement surgery is the injection of fat into the shaft. This technique involves the removal of fat from another part of the body and then injecting it into the penis to increase its girth. This technique is less invasive than the insertion of silicone implants, but it does carry some risks, such as infection, bleeding, and the possibility of the fat being reabsorbed by the body.

Grafting tissue onto the shaft is another technique for permanent male enlargement surgery. This technique involves the removal of tissue from another part of the body and then grafting it onto the shaft of the penis to increase its girth.

This technique is considered safe and effective, but it does carry some risks, such as infection and bleeding.

Overall, permanent male enlargement surgery is a popular and effective way to increase the size of the penis permanently. However, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon to determine which technique is best for you and to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure.

Types of Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

Penile Implants

Penile implants involve inserting a device into the penis to provide an erection when desired. Penile implants come in two different varieties: inflatable and malleable.. Inflatable implants consist of two cylinders that are surgically implanted into the penis, a reservoir of fluid, and a pump.

When the user wants an erection, they pump the device to fill the cylinders with fluid, creating an erection. Malleable implants are rods that are inserted into the penis and can be bent into position for intercourse.

Penile Lengthening Procedures

Penile lengthening procedures aim to increase the length of the penis. One method involves cutting the ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone, which allows the penis to hang lower and appear longer. Another method involves removing a portion of the shaft skin and attaching a skin graft to increase the length of the penis.

Penile Girth Enhancement Procedures

Penile girth enhancement procedures aim to increase the circumference of the penis. One method involves injecting fat harvested from another area of the body into the penis. Another method involves injecting hyaluronic acid or collagen into the penis to increase girth. However, these procedures are controversial and not widely accepted due to the risk of complications.

It is important to note that permanent male enlargement surgery is not without risks. Complications can include infection, bleeding, scarring, and loss of sensation. It is crucial to thoroughly research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to minimize the risk of complications.

Benefits of Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

Improved Self-Esteem

One of the most significant benefits of permanent male enlargement surgery is the boost in self-esteem that many men experience.

Men who are self-conscious about their penis size may feel embarrassed or inadequate, which can negatively impact their confidence and self-worth. By undergoing permanent male enlargement surgery, men can achieve a larger penis size and feel more confident in their bodies.

Enhanced Sexual Performance

Another benefit of permanent male enlargement surgery is the potential for enhanced sexual performance. A larger penis size can improve sexual pleasure for both partners, as it may allow for deeper penetration and increased stimulation.

Additionally, men who are more confident in their penis size may feel more comfortable and relaxed during sexual activity, which can also improve their sexual performance.

Improved Quality of Life

Permanent male enlargement surgery can also lead to an improved quality of life for some men. For those who are self-conscious about their penis size, the surgery can provide a sense of relief and freedom from anxiety. This might result in better physical and mental wellness.

Additionally, a larger penis size may improve a man’s sexual relationships, leading to increased intimacy and satisfaction.

Risks and Complications of Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

  1. Infection: Any surgical procedure carries a risk of infection, which can occur in the incision site or in deeper tissues. Antibiotics and careful wound care can help reduce the risk of infection.
  2. Bleeding: Bleeding can occur during and after surgery, and in some cases, may require additional surgery to control.
  3. Nerve damage: Nerves in the penis can be damaged during surgery, which can cause loss of sensation or erectile dysfunction.
  4. Scarring: Scarring is a common risk with any surgical procedure, and can affect the appearance of the penis.
  5. Discomfort and pain: Patients may experience discomfort and pain during the recovery period, which can be managed with pain medication.
  6. Unsatisfactory results: In some cases, patients may not be satisfied with the results of the surgery, which can require additional surgeries or procedures.

Cost of Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

Permanent male enlargement surgery can be a costly procedure, with prices ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 or more. The cost of the procedure depends on several factors, including the surgeon’s experience, the type of surgery, and the location of the clinic.

One of the most popular permanent male enlargement surgeries is the Penuma implant, which involves inserting a silicone implant under the skin of the penis. The cost of this surgery can range from $10,000 to $18,000, depending on the surgeon and location of the clinic.

Another type of permanent male enlargement surgery is the ligament release surgery, which involves cutting the ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone. This surgery can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000.

It is important to note that insurance typically does not cover the cost of permanent male enlargement surgery, as it is considered a cosmetic procedure. Patients should also be aware that the cost of the surgery does not include follow-up appointments, medications, or other related expenses.

Patients who are considering permanent male enlargement surgery should research their options carefully and choose a reputable surgeon with experience in the procedure. It is also important to discuss the risks and benefits of the surgery with the surgeon before making a decision.

Choosing a Surgeon for Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

Choosing the right surgeon for permanent male enlargement surgery is a crucial decision. It is important to find a qualified and experienced surgeon who can provide safe and effective results. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a surgeon:

Consultation and Communication

Before choosing a surgeon, schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and expectations for the surgery. During the consultation, pay attention to the surgeon’s communication style and how they answer your questions. A good surgeon should be able to explain the procedure clearly and address any concerns you may have.

Preparing for Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

Before undergoing permanent male enlargement surgery, there are several important steps that a patient must take to prepare. These steps include undergoing a medical evaluation, making lifestyle changes, and mentally preparing for the procedure.

Medical Evaluation

The first step in preparing for permanent male enlargement surgery is to undergo a thorough medical evaluation. This evaluation will typically involve a physical exam, blood tests, and other diagnostic tests to ensure that the patient is healthy enough to undergo surgery. The doctor will also need to evaluate the patient’s medical history and any medications they are currently taking to ensure that there are no contraindications for surgery.

Lifestyle Changes

Prior to surgery, patients will need to make certain lifestyle changes to ensure that they are in the best possible health. These changes may include losing weight, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption. Patients may also need to adjust their medications or supplements to ensure that they do not interfere with the surgery or recovery process. To obtain the greatest possible result, it is crucial to adhere to all of the surgeon’s instructions.

Mental Preparation

Undergoing permanent male enlargement surgery can be a significant emotional and mental undertaking. Patients should take the time to mentally prepare for the procedure and understand what to expect during the recovery process. It is important to have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery and to understand that there may be some discomfort and limitations during the recovery period.

Patients should also take the time to discuss any concerns or questions with their surgeon prior to the procedure. This can help to alleviate anxiety and ensure that the patient feels comfortable and confident going into the surgery.

Recovery and Aftercare for Permanent Male Enlargement Surgery

Post-Operative Care

After permanent male enlargement surgery, patients will need to stay in the hospital for a few days to ensure proper healing. During this time, the patient will be monitored for any signs of infection or complications. Pain medication will be given to help manage any discomfort.

The surgical area has to be kept dry and clean at all times. The patient should avoid any sexual activity or strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks after the surgery. The doctor will provide specific instructions on how to care for the surgical site and when to return for follow-up appointments.

Returning to Normal Activities

Returning to normal activities after permanent male enlargement surgery will depend on the individual’s healing process. It is important to avoid any strenuous activity, heavy lifting, or sexual activity for at least 6 weeks after the surgery. The patient should also avoid baths or swimming until the surgical site is fully healed.

It is recommended to take at least 2 weeks off work to allow the body to rest and heal. After this time, the patient may gradually return to normal activities as long as they are not strenuous or cause discomfort.

Long-Term Follow-Up

Long-term follow-up is important after permanent male enlargement surgery. The doctor will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and address any concerns or complications.

The patient should continue to practice good hygiene and care for the surgical site. It is important to report any signs of infection or complications to the doctor immediately.

In some cases, additional surgeries may be necessary to achieve the desired results. It is important to have realistic expectations and discuss any concerns or questions with the doctor before and after the surgery.


Permanent male enlargement surgery is a serious decision that should not be taken lightly. While there are potential benefits, including increased self-confidence and sexual satisfaction, there are also risks and drawbacks to consider.

One of the main risks is the possibility of complications, such as infection, bleeding, or nerve damage. These side effects can be substantial and may need to be corrected by further surgery.. Additionally, the results of the surgery may not be as expected, and some men may be disappointed with the outcome.

It is important for men considering permanent male enlargement surgery to do their research and consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon. They should also have realistic expectations and understand the potential risks and benefits.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo permanent male enlargement surgery is a personal one that should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a medical professional. It is important to weigh the potential risks and benefits and make an informed decision that is right for you.