Chin Augmentation (Genioplasty)

Genioplasty, also known as Mentoplasty, is a surgical intervention that aims to improve the jaw structure and the overall balance of the face. With this procedure, the size and shape of the chin is changed, resulting in a more aesthetic and harmonious appearance.

Genioplasty surgery may vary depending on the patient’s jaw structure, skin quality, age and gender. During surgery, the jawbone is cut and reshaped. Then, the bones are fixed by connecting them together. After the surgery, swelling and bruising may occur on the patient’s face, but these usually disappear within a few weeks.

Genioplasty surgery can be performed for various purposes such as reducing, enlarging, moving the chin forward or backward, making it symmetrical or transforming it. This procedure is a safe and effective method to solve aesthetic problems in the chin area.

Genioplasty, alone or in combination with other orthognathic procedures, is an approach routinely used to correct jaw deformities.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for Genioplasty?

Genioplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure to change the shape and size of the lower jaw. It is usually applied in cases where the jaw structure of the person is small or large compared to the rest of the face. However, genioplasty can be used not only for aesthetic purposes but also for the treatment of some health problems.

Eligible Candidates

Suitable candidates for genioplasty may include

  • Chin Asymmetry: Asymmetry in the structure of the lower jaw can cause one side of the jaw to be smaller or larger than the other. This is usually a congenital condition and can be corrected with genioplasty.
  • Overbite and Underbite: The forward or backward orientation problem in the lower jaw structure can cause an unbalanced appearance in the profile of the face. This condition can be corrected with genioplasty for suitable candidates.
  • Chin Stretching: The tension problem in the lower jaw structure can cause excessive tension of the jaw muscles and pain. This condition can be corrected with genioplasty.
  • Sleep Apnoea: Sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder characterised by repeated pauses in breathing. For suitable candidates, genioplasty can be used to alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnoea.
  • TMJ Disorder: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a condition characterised by pain and discomfort in the joint between the lower jaw and skull. Genioplasty can be used to relieve symptoms of TMJ disorder.
  • Lip Insufficiency: Insufficiency in the structure of the lower jaw can cause the front part of the lips to be insufficiently supported. This can be corrected with genioplasty for suitable candidates.
  • Incompatibility of Teeth: Incompatibility in the lower jaw structure can cause problems in overlapping the teeth. Genioplasty can help to align the teeth harmoniously.

Unsuitable Candidates

Unsuitable candidates for genioplasty may include

  • Health Conditions: Certain health conditions may make candidates unsuitable for genioplasty. These include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and bleeding disorders.
  • Age Restrictions: Genioplasty should not be performed in children whose bones are not fully developed. Ideally, suitable candidates for genioplasty should be older than 18 years of age when the bones are fully developed.
  • Mental Status: Genioplasty may not be suitable for people with psychological problems. Before undergoing this procedure, the person’s mental status should be assessed.

Suitable candidates for genioplasty are people who have one or more of the conditions mentioned above. However, before any surgical procedure, the person should be evaluated by his/her doctor and his/her suitability should be determined.

Genioplasty Procedure

Genioplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery on the chin. Both plastic surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons can perform genioplasty procedures. There are two types of genioplasty procedures – sliding genioplasty and implant augmentation.

The genioplasty procedure is performed under local or general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision under the chin and cuts the jawbone. The bone is then reshaped to change the position of the jawbone. During a sliding genioplasty procedure, the bone is cut and repositioned.

During the implant procedure, an implant is placed into the jawbone and sutures are used to hold it in place.

The genioplasty procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours. After the procedure, the patient is kept under observation for a few hours and then sent home. Patients may experience oedema, pain and bruising after the procedure. These symptoms may last for several days. Patients’ recovery process may vary depending on the type of procedure and the patient’s individual condition.

Benefits of Genioplasty

Genioplasty, also known as chin aesthetics, is a surgical procedure to correct aesthetic or functional problems in the chin area. This procedure has many benefits.

Provides Face Harmony

The position and size of the chin plays an integral role in balancing other facial features such as the nose, forehead and cheeks. Genioplasty improves the balance and proportions of the face by changing the size, shape and position of the chin. This contributes to overall facial harmony and makes people who are dissatisfied with their chin feel better.

Corrects Aesthetic Appearance

Genioplasty procedures can change the aesthetic appearance of a depressed, protruding or misaligned chin. This procedure changes the shape and size of the chin, making the face look more beautiful. It can also improve facial symmetry by changing the shape and size of the chin.

Boosts Self-Confidence

Aesthetic problems in the chin area can negatively affect a person’s self-confidence. Genioplasty can increase self-confidence by reshaping the person’s chin in the desired way. This procedure can help the person regain self-confidence.

Corrects Functional Problems

In some cases, genioplasty can also correct functional problems in the jaw structure. For example, disorders in the jaw structure can make it difficult for a person to speak, eat or breathe. Genioplasty can improve the quality of life by correcting these problems in the jaw structure.

The benefits of genioplasty are that it provides facial harmony by correcting the problems in the jaw structure of the person, corrects the aesthetic appearance, increases self-confidence and corrects functional problems. This procedure makes the person look aesthetically more beautiful by providing harmony and proportion on the face.

What are the Disadvantages of Genioplasty?

Like every surgical intervention, genioplasty also includes some disadvantages. Therefore, patients should be carefully monitored before and after surgery.


Genioplasty is an operation that carries a risk of infection. Infection can occur in the postoperative period and can be a serious problem. Therefore, patients should pay attention to postoperative wound care and use antibiotics in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.


After genioplasty, patients may have swelling and bruising in the chin area. This is normal and expected in the postoperative period. However, it is recommended that patients apply ice to reduce swelling and use medication in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.


Although rare, genioplasty can cause some complications. These complications may include bleeding, nerve damage, pain, numbness, mental nerve damage and scarring. Therefore, it is important that patients discuss these risks with their doctors before surgery and act in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations in the postoperative period.

Allergic Reaction

The materials used for genioplasty, although rare, can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is important for patients to inform their doctors about the materials and discuss the risk of allergic reactions before surgery.

Return to Routine After Surgery

There are several important issues that patients should pay attention to after genioplasty surgery. If these issues are not followed, the healing process may be prolonged or complications may occur.

Speech and Eating

Patients’ speech and eating skills may be affected after genioplasty. However, these effects are temporary and a few days will be enough for patients to return to their normal speaking and eating habits. Meals should be consumed in liquid or pureed form. It is also important that patients do not open their mouths wide while eating.


The sleeping position of the patients after genioplasty surgery is important. Patients are recommended to sleep on their backs for the first few days. This position helps reduce swelling and relieves pain.


Patients are recommended to take a shower after genioplasty. However, patients should prevent water contact with the operation area. It is recommended to use a protective cover that can cover the operation area while bathing.


Scars may occur after genioplasty surgery. However, these scars will disappear over time. In the postoperative period, hygiene rules should be observed to prevent infection of the scars.

Other Important Topics

Other important issues that patients should pay attention to after genioplasty surgery are as follows:

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided.
  • Heavy exercises should be avoided.
  • Mouth rinsing should not be done.
  • Hot or spicy foods should be avoided.

Paying attention to these issues after genioplasty surgery will accelerate the healing process.

What is the Difference Between Orthognathic and Genioplasty?

Orthognathic surgery is a type of surgery performed to correct anomalies in the jaw and facial area. This surgery is usually performed to correct jaw positioning, jawbone size and alignment of the teeth. Genioplasty is a type of surgery to correct the aesthetics of the chin tip.

Orthognathic surgery is usually a more extensive surgery and is performed to correct large anomalies in the jawbone. This surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia and requires the use of permanent materials such as plates and screws in the jawbone.

Genioplasty is a milder type of surgery to correct the aesthetics of the chin tip. This surgery is usually performed under local anaesthesia and is performed with a chin implant or bone cutting used to change the size and position of the chin tip.

While orthognathic surgery can restrict jaw mobility and affect chewing function, genioplasty minimises these effects. Furthermore, orthognathic surgery usually requires a longer recovery period, while genioplasty requires a shorter recovery period.

Genioplasty can also be performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty surgery. This is an ideal option to correct nose and chin aesthetics together.

Cost of Genioplasty in Turkey?

Ggenioplasty prices in Istanbul, Turkey, can vary between $2.000 and $5.000on average.

Genioplasty prices in Turkey are determined by taking into consideration the needs of the hospital, the doctor, the patient and the time required for the surgery.